Many of those considering filing bankruptcy often question if they should inform their creditors prior to filing. Like most answers about filing bankruptcy, the correct answer depends on each individual's financial circumstances. But, the following is a good rule of...
The Crucial Link Between Tax Returns and Bankruptcy Filing
Filing for bankruptcy can be a daunting and often distressing process for individuals facing overwhelming debt. Bankruptcy is a legal procedure designed to provide relief to those who find themselves unable to meet their financial obligations. However, what many may...
Understanding Alabama Wage Garnishment Laws
When struggling to make ends meet, you may have gotten behind on your monthly debt payments. With the delinquency, the creditor is threatening to sue you. Ultimately, the creditor might obtain a judgment against you. You may be unsure what that means, so let us help...
What to Do about Your Growing Credit Card Debt
There is no doubt that credit cards are both useful and convenient. But, it is all too easy to amass credit card debt that is overwhelming. If you are burdened by a growing credit card debt, there are actions you can take now that can help you tackle the problem....
Reducing Your Car Payment through Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Are you behind on your car payment? Is your car payment larger than your budget allows? Do you fear that your car may soon be repossessed? If you answered yes to any of these questions, Chapter 13 bankruptcy assist you in reducing your car payment to a manageable...
Dealing with Creditor Harassment after Bankruptcy
Let’s face it, one of the worst parts about delinquent debt is the constant creditor harassment about to pay your debt. You know the creditor wants its money and you really want to pay. Unfortunately, you may not have the exact amount that is owed. You try to explain...
4 False Assumptions about Bankruptcy
Are you struggling with debt and thinking about filing for bankruptcy relief? Maybe you are hesitant because of negative rumors. There are many false narratives about filing for bankruptcy. Don’t let rumors or innuendos prevent you from obtaining a fresh start. While...
How Covid-19 Has Affected Bankruptcies in Alabama
The Impact of Covid-19 Covid-19 has changed our way of life. Every day, we find ourselves having to adapt. Our economy has also been impacted by high jobless numbers and rising medical bills. Change is always challenging and these changes have had a ripple effect on...
3 Mistakes to Avoid When Filing for Bankruptcy
Are you struggling financially? Bankruptcy could provide you a financial fresh start. But, to get all the benefits of bankruptcy you should avoid these three mistakes many people make when filing bankruptcy. Filing Too Late Many people delay filing bankruptcy out of...
Bankruptcy is not a One-Size-Fits-All Process
Unfortunately, any number of possibilities could upset your financial stability. Personal hardships such as losing your job, facing an unexpected illness or injury, and divorce are several examples. Any of these could lead to out-of-control debt. You may also be...
Brock & Stout can help you with your Bankruptcy, Social Security Disability and Personal Injury needs today. Feel free to call our toll free number, contact us online or stop by one of our many office locations. We hope you will give us the opportunity and the privilege to help you and your family.