Being in debt can cause enormous stress. If you struggle with debt, you may wonder about your best options for managing debt. Before exploring the options, you should first assess your financial situation in order to decide which may work best for you. You should...
Receiving Social Security Disability for COPD
COPD affects nearly 30 million Americans, according to the COPD Foundation. The Foundation says over half of those affected do not know COPD is the cause of their health issues. Many of them may believe their symptoms come from aging, but COPD is the cause. COPD can...
Receiving Social Security Disability For Depression
What is Depression? Many people experience feelings of sadness and hopelessness during emotionally painful or stressful situations (i.e. death of a loved one or divorce). These feelings are typically situational and short-lived. But, some people experience long-term...
Can You Go to Jail for Unpaid Bills?
The answer to this question is technically no. You cannot go to jail for unpaid bills. But, every rule has exceptions. Let us explain. America’s Founding Fathers found the English system of imprisoning those who could not pay their debts cruel and unusual punishment....
Stop Debt Collector Harassment. Know Their Practices and Your Rights.
Dealing with debt collectors is one of the most difficult aspects of having delinquent debt. Many of the debt collectors use harassing tactics in an attempt to force immediate debt payment even if you cannot afford such payment. Debt collectors can make a bad...
Why You Need The Help of an Experienced Lawyer to File Bankruptcy
Are you thinking about filing bankruptcy? Do you need to hire an attorney to help you file? Bankruptcy law does not require a person have an attorney assist them in filing for bankruptcy. This means that you could choose not to hire a bankruptcy attorney to help you...
Is Credit Card Debt Overwhelming You?
Do you sometimes feel like you are drowning in credit card debt? You are not alone. A study reveals that the average American household has a revolving credit card debt of $15,310. The Dangers of Credit Card Usage While the amount of credit card debt may vary per...
Brock & Stout can help you with your Bankruptcy, Social Security Disability and Personal Injury needs today. Feel free to call our toll free number, contact us online or stop by one of our many office locations. We hope you will give us the opportunity and the privilege to help you and your family.