You decide to file for bankruptcy in Opelika, AL and then freak out a bit over the idea. Yes, it can be frightening to take such a huge step, but don’t let the negative images that others have attached to bankruptcy stop you from pursuing a claim.
About the Bankruptcy Processed
Why not? It helps to learn that bankruptcy laws were created for very specific reasons, and that they are meant to give an honest but unfortunate debtor a new opportunity in life and a clear field for future effort, unhampered by the pressure and discouragement of preexisting debt.
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That statement is directly from the United States Supreme Court, and has to do with the formal Bankruptcy Rules created by the federal government. Clearly, the federal government isn’t looking down its nose or negatively judging someone who has honestly reached a point when repayment of debts is no longer an option or a possibility.
So, how does the process work? The method we suggest begins with a call to a qualified bankruptcy attorney. This is because he or she will be your best bet in terms of being guided towards the right claim. For instance, are you going to file Chapter 7 or Chapter 13? Do you even know the differences? Do you need help getting a foreclosure or a auto repossession stopped until the case is filed? Maybe you are hoping to stop some wage garnishments? You can see that there are many complex issues attached to any bankruptcy, and the lawyer can help you with all of them.
The rules then show that you are not going to have a lot to do with court room appearances. This is because all forms of bankruptcy tend to be done mostly at an administrative level. Your attorney will work with the court system to ensure that your case is viewed correctly and that you get the best possible outcome.
Call Bankruptcy Attorneys in Opelika
Often, it is the knowledgeable attorney who helps a claimant to remain in the home and to be able to keep ownership of a few assets that can ensure he or she continues to earn income. Just think, on your own you might be told that you have to sell your car or home in order to repay creditors, but an attorney is going to honestly and aptly enable you to get a much better result from the court.
Don’t let another sleepless night come and go, contact an attorney to begin discussing and handling your bankruptcy case. Speak to us today by calling (334) 759-3328 or contacting us online.